Thursday, May 29, 2008

Saying EVERYTHING in my point of view

My lipases in my duodenum and small intestine were kinda active since the day I went to training in a school, and I was CRAVING for beef. My taste buds have been living hell for four days, and about my stomach, it ached on the second last day of training, thanks to the bad bad mood of the cook. I should have known better. School food always got to be school food, especially when school cooks doesn't know the difference between salt and stones. It'll probably be worse when the SOUPS tasted more like SOAPS, (noticed the difference?) thus increasing my trips to the toilet.

Finally, I got to indulge my taste buds in beef and cakes yesterday. I like beef a lot, it's like sending your taste buds to heaven. Okay , I won't say anymore because there's a lot of people out there who can't eat beef because of their religious concepts.

I saw a kid about five years old playing with a MAC yesterday in star bucks. MAC!!! I was so envious, I almost turned green. Everybody knows that buying a Mac can save your keyboard (or maybe your mouse) from being banged, for Macs doesn't hang as much as Microsoft. Yeah it also saves time, (Mac can run faster than Microsoft, and it's virus free) but unfortunately, it doesn't saves money. You can buy like, 3-4 hand phones if you don't buy a Mac. Talking about Apple's animations, whoa, I think you should go to an apple store and check it out yourself. Fabulous. But don't look at the price.

Maybe I'm exaggerating a little (Microsoft isn't that bad actually), but I know even Bill Gates won't even give me a Mac (of course, he supports Microsoft).

Today i went to weigh my rabbits, and it weighs like 3-4 kg!!! For one rabbit! Hard to believe. Well, it was even harder to make my rabbit stay STILL on the weighing scale. It took me quite a long time to read the measurement properly on the scale, for the scale is so small, and my rabbit is so big sized. And fat. Last year, when I went to the rabbit farm in Bukit Tinggi with my friends,and I thought that those rabbits there are so skinny. Now I know those rabbits are not skinny, it's my rabbits that's fat.

Maybe one of the factor that explains my rabbits weight is their daily diet. Four to five meals a day, when some people only have two or three. (Since when rabbits live better than humans?) Whenever my rabbits are hungry, they'll follow me around like paparazzies. They don't even need to make any noise or say anything, the two pairs of big, shinny and brown eyes did all those pleadings. Fine. The next second, I was feeding them. Great.

I let my rabbits out of the cage (not every evening, it's out in my garden almost every time) so they can run around freely. Problem is, they didn't run around freely. Maybe my rabbits are so stu*id until they don't even know that I let them out in my garden because I want them to exercise. What they do is eat eat eat, and sleep, sleep, sleep. Sounds like a life of a pig. I wonder.... is there any treadmill for rabbits? Maybe I should borrow Hui Li's dog for one day and chase my rabbits around.

Recently I saw this hilarious video in youtube. It's My Chemical Romance's Helena. What makes it hilarious is, it's the parody of the song.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A sad story to dog lovers

Why must people in this world be so sadistic? Not even a single dot of sympathy.

When undercover investigators made their way onto Chinese fur farms recently, they found that many animals are still alive and struggling desperately when workers flip them onto their backs or hang them up by their legs or tails to skin them. When workers on these farms begin to cut the skin and fur from an animal's leg, the free limbs kick and writhe. Workers stomp on the necks and heads of animals who struggle too hard to allow a clean cut. When the fur is finally peeled off over the animals' heads, their naked, bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile of those who have gone before them. Some are still alive, breathing in ragged gasps and blinking slowly. Some of the animals' hearts are still beating 5 to 10 minutes after they are skinned. I wonder how they managed to record this... it's so... ewwww.

Pledge to go fur-free at

Before they are skinned alive, animals are pulled from their cages and thrown to the ground; workers bludgeon them with metal rods or slam them on hard surfaces, causing broken bones and convulsions but not always immediate death. Animals watch helplessly as workers make their way down the row.

On these farms, foxes, minks, rabbits, and other animals pace and shiver in outdoor wire cages, exposed to driving rain, freezing nights, and, at other times, scorching sun. Mother animals, who are driven crazy from rough handling and intense confinement and have nowhere to hide while giving birth, often kill their babies after delivering litters. Disease and injuries are widespread, and animals suffering from anxiety-induced psychosis chew on their own limbs and throw themselves repeatedly against the cage bars.

The globalization of the fur trade has made it impossible to know where fur products come from. Skins move through international auction houses and are purchased and distributed to manufacturers around the world, and finished goods are often exported. China supplies more than half of the finished fur garments imported for sale in the United States. Even if a fur garment's label says it was made in a European country, the animals were likely raised and slaughtered elsewhere—possibly on an unregulated Chinese fur farm.

Because a fur's origin can't be traced, anyone who wears any fur at all shares the blame for the horrific conditions on Chinese fur farms. The only way to prevent such unimaginable cruelty is never to wear any fur.

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Yeah I know angry blogs are boring but it's up to you.

Just came back from training today.... and was I so ever angry and pissed.

Previously, in training, someone wanted us to memorize a paragraph from a book, and we can recite it in front of everyone on the last day of training (without looking at the book) in order to receive a reward from that someone. So I spent like how many seconds of my life to remember that long long paragraph, and it's even harder than remembering sejarah. But I finally succeeded to remember that long long paragraph, but not everyone appreciated it.

I went out with a group of gals to recite the paragraph, and some id*ots said that I was lip-syncing like Britney Spears . Some people think that I was not reciting the paragraph, and I'm just using that bunch of gals to get credit. When I heard this, I didn't feel sad or hurt, I felt extremely angry and pissed. Furious. Who do they think I am? A wanna-be-pretender? A desperate- for-present-freak? Frankly, I didn't even get the whatever present. I mean, I put so much effort and wasted so much time
to remember that paragraph and now, YOU think that I'm lip-syncing?

Even now I feel really angry. Do you know how much I sacrificed for this training? And now i went there just to get so PISSED
. Great, that's just SO GREAT. Now I've came back, just to find out that I'm so out-dated and left out of EVERYTHING. I read Hui Li's blog and I felt so envious. I didn't know so many interesting stuff could happen when I'm gone for 4 days only.

A lot of people cried in training, for today's the last day, and I found it so RIDICULOUS. That's simply EXAGGERATING! What's the whole point too cry? Too much tears? They felt so heavy to leave, yet I feel so happy to leave that place. Is that my problem or theirs?

Ugh... I can't help but feel angry
.I have always thought that training is a mental enjoyment but a physical torture. Now, I think it's a physical torture and mental torture too.

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Friday, May 23, 2008

The Great Escapade

Last day of exams.....I flunked Kh and PJK. I hardly even toched the Kh text book, (I'm not exaggerating) about PJK, hahaha.... During Kh exam, I can't answer most of the questions, but I just kept on reminding myself that as long the answer sounds stupid, it'll most probably be the wrong answer. Sometimes this really works.

PJK was worse. I was so fed-up with reading all those questions so I just tembak the whole paper, like everyone did. Mostly I'll choose the longest answer. In my point of view, PJK is just a paper for me to practice my tembaking skills and to become my drawing book. I was tired of drawing nothing but hand phones and Macs, so I drew some emo people.

Keng Han actually studies PJK!!! Today Keng Han asked Soo Yin whether she studied PJK or not, and she sarcastically said she did. Keng Han foolishly believed, and that kia shu was so shocked to hear that Soo Yin "studied" PJK, so he STRAIGHT AWAY rushed to his seat and furiously begin to read the PJK text book. Poor guy. Desperate for number one.

Oh, today I noticed that the squeaky PJK teacher En. Salahuddin wears a Gucci belt. GUCCI! GUCCI! Even I"m not that rich. But I doubts it's real. Well, who knows?

After that Hui Min, Abi, Xian, Rittie (she followed us for a while), Siew Jun, Soo Yin, Hui Li and I went to 1u. Yeah we did a lot of SHOPPING, but at the same time our money was "disappearing" slowly.... but who cares? We had fun. Now Sj, Sy are staying over at Hui Li's, and I can't go because of that training. I think I'm starting to miss them. Anyway, I think I owe them money.

Tomorrow's my sis birthday, and I'm gonna MISS IT. I was actually supposed to be the DJ in that party, but too baad I must attend the training. Never mind. That'll just a party with little kids screaming around.

But I had fun in 1u today.... happy b'day to xian, soo yin and kadri, even though your birthday's over for quite a long while...but never mind. Oh and happy birthday to my sis. Thanks for throwing me the tennis ball that hit my head in tennis class today. If my brain is damaged, i guess everyone knows who's responsible.

1st time hanging out with mataharians.... last time I went to 1u with different people, but now they are living in their own lives...and maybe becoming more snobbish. Who cares.

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

About KH and PJK

What I wrote in the evening, continued at night.

Now is the 22nd of May year 2008, 6.03pm, and i have....15 hours and 33 minutes, 55980 seconds more to study Kemahiran Hidup. 55979, 55978.... Ugh. I think Keng Han is as IRRITATING as Kemahiran Hidup. (Don't get offended, Kingdom Hearts isn't irritating.)

I'll not be surprised if Keng Han is a compound of ammonia and chloroform. I mean, he's really really irritating! Not to mention kia shu. He studies seni like a mad cow when i don't even have the text book. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying here that we shouldn't study seni. Maybe seni is important and we have to study, but... not like Keng Han.

Tomorrow I'll have to sit for the Kemahiran Hidup exam, and i hadn't even touched the text book. Maybe I'll add a "yet" behind. I've always disliked to study all those pipes or whatever puting hexagon or nanogon or eragon. Those functions and ciri-ciri of those pipes just slip out of my mind the moment i put it in. Why must we study all those pipes? They all look the same anyway.

Oh, and those accounts. I made up my mind NOT to become an accountant when I grow up. If I ever need one, I'll just hire Keng Han.

PJK paper is also tomorrow. PJK isn't silly, it's very silly. Even CHINESE isn't that silly. PJK exams are nothing but a waste of paper and time. I wonder how many poor birdies lost their homes because of the need of paper for PJK exams. If there's such thing as paper revolution, I think I'll have to blame the inventors of PJK.

Good luck everyone, in your coming exams and happy remembering all those names of pipes and accounts. XD

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rabbit Stories

Stories about my rabbits...

ps. i don't think this really looks like jarrod's front hair.

The left rabbit is Gillian, and it's brother, which is the one beside is Thumper. What makes Thumper so "special" is that it likes to go out. Not out to my house's garden. Out, to other's people's houses. It even shits there and destroys other people's plants. I tried to stop it from going out but Thumper is even smarter than me. It bit a hole in the wire-netting that my dad tied on our house's gate. And out it goes again, leaving me to spend half and hour to find a
little brown rabbit.

Thumper is really bad in choosing houses for its "second home". It chose (ex)YB Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun's house to be it's second home. Oh no. It went there, shit there, and I had to face the embarrassment. Well, YB didn't scold me, but i felt so bad. But now she's just a little emo after losing her seat in wherever. Now she's no more YB. You know. Politics.

Then, Thumper went out again. This time, it wasn't really lucky. A security guard caught it and wanted to "throw" it out of my residential area, Aman Suria (which isn't exactly Aman). And you know what is outside Aman Suria? Kampung Chempaka (did i spell it right?). What can you see in a kampung? Stray dogs. Zillions of them. All of them will be always in a mood for RABBITS. Motorcyclists that are half blind and won't even notice a small little rabbit crossing the road. And if people from kampung eats dogs and rats, I don't see the point why they shouldn't eat rabbits. Thumper'd have a very slim chance to live. Maybe it'll become fried satay in 5 minutes flat.

But Thumper wasn't really lucky, but it's still got lucky anyway. A worker in Aman Suria, (I think he's a maintainance worker) Encik Dolah took it back to his home in Klang. What made Thumper LUCKIER was, there's something in En. Dolah's house that every male rabbit will wish for. Yup, a female rabbit. So I guess you know what happened.

Thanks to my mom's communicating skills, she found out that Thumper was far far away from home in Klang. So after Thumper spent 3 wonderful days with his new-found-wife, En. Dolah took it back home and was Thumper was grounded.

Weeks later, Thumper's wife in Klang gave birth to (i think 9) baby rabbits. En Dolah offered to give some of them to us, but my mom refused because it'll be A NIGHTMARE to look for so many rabbits after discovering that there's a hole in the wire netting on the gate. But still, those baby rabbits have Thumper's DNA!

Now, Thumper grown old, and both of its ears sagged down. I don't know what disease is that, but i call it a loppy-wanna-be disease.

About Gillian... hmmm... my neighbor has a female rabbit (well, this is what my neighbor says), but i don't think it's a female. Why? Don't ask. My mom sent Gillian to my neighbor's rabbit for a day, but I really don't think my neighbor's rabbit is a female. I don't want my rabbit to be like Elton John! Sometimes it's hard to determine a rabbits gender. Okay. I won't say anymore.

That's all folks!

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Why movies just love to bully the statue of liberty

i just noticed.... that movies likes to bully the statue of liberty. i wonder why.

For example, day after tomorrow. Look what happened to the poor statue. It's frozen.

For Cloverfield, it's way worse. The statue of liberty, which is a symbol of freedom and democracy is totally "beheaded" .

How many times can movies chop off this poor statue's head?

I found the worst one ever.... It's not from a movie, which makes the worst the worst.

Oh my oh my.... What did the statue of liberty do?

The evil side of my moral teacher

Don't you just L-O-V-E my moral teacher, Cik Rozihan? Isn't she the best teacher ever?

Today, Cik Rozihan did something really, really ba-ad and very, very mean. Even Paris Hilton could't be meaner.

Okay, Paris Hilton is meaner (maybe) but Cik Rozihan was really mean (no maybes, it's true). She pinched Cheryl, JJ, Christine and a few more ppl in my class.... as if their skin is made of DOUGH. This is what we call CHILD ABUSE. Come on, Cik Rozihan! We students have PAIN RECEPTORS okay? Why do you think the merit-demerit system was invented?

Plus, she's a MORAL TEACHER, not science. If she's a science teacher and she wants to pinch us so that she can prove that we have pain receptors, then i guess... no. It's still UN-OKAY with me. Moral teachers are supposed to set a GOOD EXAMPLE.
But about pinching students.... i don't call that a good example. Since when teachers have the right to do that?

Weeks ago she taught us that "manusia patut mempunyai perasaan KASIH SAYANG." YEAH RIGHT. If this is called KASIH SAYANG, then i don't dare to imagine how would hate be. Welcome to the republic of pain.

Hui Min recorded down the process of "Cik-Rozihan-the-abuser" torturing innocent young students. Thanks to her camera. I wonder if she'll post it in youtube. Well, maybe.