Thursday, August 20, 2009

the ambitious SIDE


1. fashion designer

this won't work cuz i have no idea about the latest fashion and stuff like that, and I don't like shopping. Okay, okay, i have no fashion sense. But it's weird, cuz i like designing gowns and dresses.

*BUT if i get famous, i may get to meet wu chun! oh, btw, speaking abt him, i realized that i missed his birthday. see what happens when I study too hard?

Oh no, I forgot. I hate to sew.
Fashion designer is off the list.

2. Doctor (don't smile)

It's stupid. I think I screwed my science paper, and yet I aspire to become a doctor. Maybe I 'll be a surgeon. But who wants a surgeon who scores B for science?
Doctor? off the list.

3. national athlete
Been training hard, I mean, i like running, but i don't think... okay you know what? forget it, since I'm going to the gym for another reason now (and I'm so not going to tell you what's the reason cuz you will laugh at me) whatever. The reason is really really really stupid.
national athlete off the list.

4. Something to do with MATHS

i like maths. truth is, i can't wait to learn add maths. but i don't think i would want to become an architect.
Math teacher? no way. directly off the list.

5. cook
i like to cook, but i don't know how to cook. weird huh? If i become a cook, i think my boss would fry me before i can even fry something.
Cook off the list.

maybe i'll just be myself for a while.