Monday, September 8, 2008


1.Post this rules before you give your facts
2.List 8 randoms facts about yourself
3.At the end of the post,choose 8 people to tag and list their names,linking to them.
4.Leave a comment on their blog,letting know their tagged.

The facts about myself,

1. I'm born smart, but school made me stupid.

2. If you ask me, abalones are high class leeches, so i don't eat them. (they look kinda alike, right?)

3. My name is hard to pronounce. Today, my mom asked me to call the dentist to ask about my tooth, and if the dentist asks me who am I, I"ll just say that I'm a desperate patient.

4. I like sleeping in class. ..... Can I bring a pillow to school? Is there a rule saying "no too sharp or too soft things in class"? Well, mattress is kinda okay for me though......

5. I am definitely
not dead.

The special 8 people I tagged: