Friday, June 26, 2009

PIG.. .....

A Malay teacher told me:

Lucu tak? Manusia dijangkiti selesema babi! Manusia ialah manusia, babi ialah babi! Sekarang ada H1N1, semua orang susah! Pelik tak? Manusia ada selesema babi! ada selesema burung! Tak patutlah!

H1N1 caused such a major choas worldwide, yet some people are just getting too creative.
For example:

Introducing the new H1NIKEN

wEAR ON your masks, people, and HAVE A NICE DAY

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I would like to answer your questions

To, the curious people who love to pour questions on me. for non muslims only.

What is the purpose of man? Why is man on this earth today? Why must man exist?
If there is God, what does He want me to do???

Now, some stubborn people asked me,

God is so almighty: why not make it simple and just manifest to man that man may know him easily? For example, announce the Earth will stop rotating for a few minutes? He does not do so, and that's why so many people do not believe in god's existence!

Answer: The only way to understand God is for God to reveal Himself to us. It pleases God to reveal Himself to man, and the way man to know God exists. Don't believe? Look at the wondrous magnificent skies, the geography of the earth, these often causes man to sense the existence of God deep within him.

"For the invisible things of Him, both His eternal power and divine characteristic, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being perceived by the things made, so that they would be without excuse" Romans 1:20

Think how wondrous you are, who created you? Do you know that the hair in, on and out of the body grows downward, except the hair in the throat which grows upward . If the hair in the throat grows downwards, we would suffocate due to the inability to discharge phlegm. Who created us this way?

God put so many of His masterpieces into us, how can we say that God did not "manifest" to us?

The scientist who once claimed that man evolved from monkeys redrew his saying near his deathbed.

unsatisfied with my answer?

i got these frm the Mystery of Human Life, published by Living Stream Ministry:

God's Plan
God has a plan. this plan has everything to do with man. In the Bible, this plan is called God's economy. God's economy is just God's entire plan for man. It explains the origin and destiny of man as well as the meaning of human existence.

What is God's economy???
God wants to enter into man's spirit, to become his content and his satisfaction.
This is the purpose of human existence! You are not merely created to contain food in your stomach, or contain knowledge in your mind, but you are created to contain God in your Spirit.

We are vessels of God. That means that we must contain God. God wants to be our content. As bottles are made to contain water, we are made to contain God.
It is no wonder that knowledge, wealth, pleasure, and accomplishment can never satisfy you, for you were created to contain God!!

Contain God in my spirit? I have no spirit in my body, for goodness sake. I study science, okay!!


It may seem impossible to you, but I would like to tell you something.
I have seen saints who called on the name of the Lord continuously for 30 minutes. Some even cried. Without such a spirit, it is impossible for man to have such response by just repeating 3 words over and over again.
They had opened their spirit to contact God.

Friday, June 12, 2009


I love this picture. It's so sweet.

School's starting in a few days. PMR is also coming (oh noes).

I did something stupid today. I put marshmallows in the fridge!!! How silly. When I wanted to eat them with melted chocolate (yum yum), they were like rocks. I have been eating so much sweet stuff, and the word "diabetes" is starting to scare me. Really, somebody have to put a lock at the fridge.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I remember, when I was in Form one (or std 6?) someone challenged me to memorize 1000 bible verses before I graduate from high school.

I totally forgot about it. But I take this challenge and I know it isn't going to be easy. One verse consists about 30 words. I heard some ppl can memorize 100 verses in 6 days. Gosh, their brain must be like sponges (I'm so jealous).

Anyways, I stayed in this private school called Sri Suria for 5 days, and I say, though the facilities there are way better than my school's, (air cond! swimming pool! tiled floors! big big basketball court!) but those ppl working in the canteen there are freakin kiam siap.

The food there, hmmm.... sometimes delicious; sometimes I can tell that it's "chinchai chinchai" prepared... AND THERE'S ALWAYS NOT ENOUGH FOOD. But at least, I was spiritually full. Hallelujah.

Oh, guess what? I cried on the last night there (not because I'm homesick).... I mean, all of us cried. What a tragic life have we.... That night I cannot sleep. I felt really disturbed. That sad sad story was seriously stuck in my head. For ten minutes, I did not dare to move. I was freaking scared! I mean, I locked the door, I was sure, but why do I still hear that sound..... Gah. Woke up sleepy eyed.

I confess, that we have been gossiping about someone. Someone I don't really like. I know we're not supposed too (cuz it's really bad), but everyone is talking. Even some guys. Some people wanted to avoid such gossip, but they were..... hinting some stuff here and there. I know, you know, everybody knows. But many just don't like talking about it. Then I would like to tell you,
so do I! You think I like it? You think I want it?

Gossiping is bad. Love your enemies, so I shall now on avoid idle talk. I shall use my time properly. So if you're talking abt it, you better stop now.

* oh, and Elim, your sisters are so cute