Wednesday, November 18, 2009

is 2012 the end?

i'm very annoyed by the fact that the world is going to die in 2012.
just because of the Mayan calender? Come on!!! you think those Mayans can keep on writing their calender forever? No!

whether they like it or not, they HAVE to stop writing their calender on a date...(look at the bright side---they ran out of ink or whatever.) Besides, we humans have no right to decide when the world will end. We have caused so much pollution, forgetting the fact that our fate lies in Mother Nature.

I believe the world is going to end one day (as prophesied in the bible) but this matter is in God's hands. This is the reason why i don't want to watch 2012. I'm annoyed with the director, whoever he or she is. About water here and there and everything. In the bible, God faithfully promised Noah that He'll not send another flood.

Genesis 9:11
And I establish My covenant with you, that never again will all flesh be cut off by the waters of flood, and never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.