Friday, July 18, 2008

About Charlie (as in the unicorn)

Yes yes I know Charlie's cute.... go youtube and watch Charlie the unicorn if you don't know it. Sssssssshun....

Today I heard from someone that Charlie will give bad influence to small kids, because about the kidney thing--- Charlie's kidney got stolen in the candy mountain video, so it reflects those criminals hurting people brutally for their kidneys. Yeah I heard that the Charlie video conveyed a message about taking people's kidney and stuff like that. But the conclusion is, Charlie the unicorn is inappropriate for viewing, for it is promoting violence or whatever.

Yeah yeah I know some people -- including me will strongly oppose this point of view. But seriously do you think that those two unicorns are resembling the devil, luring Charlie to misfortune? They are kinda cute anyway. Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Written by me in Candy mountain.