Saturday, July 12, 2008


The rules:
1) Copy and paste this whole post.
2) Put in your own answers.
3) Tag 4 people
4) Tell that 4 people that they are tagged and ask them to do it too.Start!!

1) Do you like pizza?
Ugh, you make my mouth water.

2) Do you prefer green or blue?
Green is the color of those yucky mosses. Blue. BLITZERZ!!!

3)Do you like homework?
Why must you remind me about homework even when I’m online?

4) Do you prefer Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus or Jonas Brothers?
Jonas Brothers!!!!

5) Do you prefer school or tuition?
You say leh?

6) Do you like writing stories/comics?
Stories? I always have the tendency to leave em’ hanging.

7) Do you prefer Friendster or Facebook?
Neither. I created them to “collect dust”. Right, Hui li?

8) Do you prefer tv or computer?

9) Do you prefer Vanessa Hudgens or Ashley Tisdale?
It’s like asking, Do you prefer Jack Sparrow or Johnny Depp ?

10) Do you prefer HSM or HSM 2?
I rather see Zac Efron being booed away.

i tag Xian, JJ, anyone la