Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th!!!!

Today is an unlucky day for all the superstitious people out there. Last year there were two friday the 13ths-- April and July. My rabbit broke it's leg on a Friday the 13th last year.

This year, only June has Friday the 13th. (Is it a good thing or bad thing?) Wikipedia said that in numerology, the number twelve is considered the number of completeness, as reflected in the twelve months of the year, twelve recognized signs of the zodiac, the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve Apostles of Jesus, etc., whereas the number thirteen was considered irregular, transgressing this completeness. There is also a superstition, thought by some to derive from the Last supper, that having thirteen people seated at a table will result in the death of one of the diners. About Friday, it was the day on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Nice..... I'm still considered as thirteen...

Joking! I not that superstitious actually. I found out that I did kinda baaaaad in PJK this morning. I'll take it as coincidence.