Monday, June 23, 2008

My rabbits are thieves!!!

Today, my mom bought back apples from the market, and as usual, my maid will soak all those apples in a big basin in the wet kitchen.

This time, my maid put that big basin with those apples in it on the kitchen floor. Aha! My rabbit's sharp eyes saw it. What a perfect opportunity. A brilliant plan unfolded in their small brain. Are you thinking what I am thinking?
My rabbit Gillian sneaked in the kitchen (while another waited outside) when my maid busied herself in other stuff. Haha. She's not looking~~~

Gillian went to the big red basin and WALA! So many beautiful red red apples rrrrright in front. Delicious and juicy. Before you could even blink, one apple's GONE. Where is it? The rabbits were busily munching it outside. Wait a minute, you didn't pay for it! Ha! Caught you red handed.

Those greedy little pigs. Hmph, see if there's a next time you can get a free apple. Oink oink.