2009 is almost over.... and let me see, HOW MANY new year resolutions i broke?
let's revise my 2009 new year resolutions....
1.Don't fall in love!-BROKEN. I was in love with wu chun, but i'm over him now. seriously.
2. Stop shaking legs while eating-at least i saved this. they say that only perverted people do that.
3. Microsoft is slow... Streamyx is slow... yeah so DON'T BANG THE INNOCENT KEYBOARD even though the computer hangs or...or ....(jeez) God-knows-what-will happen.- my hands are merciful. keyboard, you have had a lovely year. but i can't guarantee you another lovely year since you have been pms-ing lately .
4. Stop playing clubpenguin- i have already grown up, and i'm sick of bullying penguins
5. Try to like cats- still scared of them. but i didn't kick the canteen cat. i was, and am still nice to it.
Last one.... My darling rabbit, Gillian
I don't think my rabbit knows it's own name-- Gillian 'Gilliande' Francis Light Obama-Bush Danney Humphrey Lee. You may think it is not necessary because it's an old rabbit, but hey, you don't wanna die without knowing what's your name, right?
- broke this resolution, my rabbit does not give a fur about it's own name.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
PI-ANG. whoopeedo. who did it?
Posted by Rou En at 4:47 AM 0 comments
POP! breaths for sale, anyone?
i found out that the video of the exhibition meeting ( 结 训 展 览) is on facebook!!!!! whoo hhoooo! finally someone uploaded it!!!
click here to hear us sing---- don't laugh. it takes weeks to practice it and i had to stand for one hour plus non stop. i can't say that we make a good choir team, but at least everyone exercised their spirits.
Posted by Rou En at 1:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
oh, i forgot to tell you all, I'm leaving for China for a week. I won't be collecting my PMR results with you all----- but have fun!!!
* 我 很 相 念 训 练 的 生 活, 还 有 姊 妹 们..... 我 很 矛 盾 哩.
Posted by Rou En at 5:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
a (no more) jailbird that (does not) miss her key
FACEBOOK------ in chinese----- 非 死 不 可 ? 难 怪 他 们 说 面 书 会 漏 掉 生 命...
hey people!
if you were wondering where i was in the past month, read on
I was in Miri, Sarawak attending the one month church training, and i dare say that i enjoyed the training a lot despite all the super super strict training.
I am actually proud to announce that for FOUR WEEKS, i did not even touch any computers or handphones. I did not even watch a minute's television. I was completely separated from the outside world--- I had no idea what was going on in this world as I was not allowed to read the newspaper.
going to the one month training was no joke--- there were strict and rigid rules, like:
1)no loose talk. (他 们 所 谓 的 闲 话) LOOSE TALK--- ranges from your favorite celebrities to your pet dog at home.
2) fold your own blankets--- the notorious TOFU STYLE! Do you know how the blanket was supposed to look like?there! this looks more like one. i know, i know, it's a brick. the TOFU BLANKET is a brick. well, a soft one. the edges MUST BE 90 degrees, and the surface of the blanket must be even smoother the a baby's skin. this is the famous 豆 腐 被
3) everyone was assigned to do public cleaning--- and we had to make sure the place was SERIOUSLY CLEAN--i mean it-- not even a speck of dust must be seen. I ended up crawling on the floor, cleaning tile by tile in 20 MINUTES.
4) there was once when i forgot to check my luggage (which i put on the floor)--- I lost some marks just because it was tilted 4 degrees. 他 们 嫌 我 行 李 厢 歪.......
however, i still feel happy because throughout the whole month, i washed my own clothes, ironed my own shirt, made my own bed and washed my own dishes. now, no one can call me 大 小 姐!!!
here are some stuff i did there:
1. exams 考 试
i had to memorize the outlines of the messages in a few days.i failed in the first exam, and they made me take the exam again. I passed, and i did really well in the 2nd exam, so they gave me 15 dollars to spend in the gospel book room.
2. sundays are my days
that's because sunday is the day i can go out. plus, there's love feast on sunday nights!!!
seriously, people in miri CAN COOK. I LOVE THEIR FOOD IT'S SO SO SO NICE I FEEL LIKE EATING IT NOW OH MY GOODNESS. the food they prepared is even better than a five star hotel buffet-- i was piling my plate with the sumptuous food there and gained extra calories.
who cares? the bedrooms are at the fourth floor-- i had to climb four flights of stairs four to five times daily. i love the church members in Miri!
美 里 的 圣 徒, 我 爱 你 们!!!
3. i sang my lungs out
on the last day of training we had to sing 3 songs, and all of the trainees had to stand for 1 and a half hour non stop during the rehearsals. On the last day, i went to this very nice and big meeting hall for the exhibition meeting. after that i went to this brother's house for lunch--- his house-okay not house, mansion was beside the sea, and it has like, five floors, a swimming pool and most of all, the cool sea breeze.
4. laugh... sometimes
有 一 次 姊 妹 们 在 洗 衣 服, 弟 兄 们 在 房 间 里 练 习 唱 结 训 的 歌, 他 们 唱 走 音 了, ( 走 音 到 蛮 离 谱) 我 听 了 觉 得 很 好 笑. 姊 妹 们 就 大 声 地 呼 喊 主 名, 盖 过 他 们 的 歌 声. 不 晓 得 弟 兄 们 知 道 不 知 道, 但 有 位 弟 兄 大 声 说: 主 啊, 赦 免 他 们, 因 为 他 们 不 知 道 他 们 在 做 什 么. 那 晚 笑 到 我 要 死.
conclusion..... i enjoyed the training, and i look forward to attend the 3 months training 2 years later. Praise the Lord! I do not need a priest or pastor to confess my sins. I do not need to kneel in front of any cross to pray. There is no need for popes and nuns. The bible is open to everyone, not only popes. The church has fallen, and we have to recover our first love to the Lord. He is coming back soon, and we have to be the anti testimony of this evil age. I realise, that i need to give myself for the lord's move. I hope i have a chance to take part in the gospel work, as i have a busy schedule ahead.
I am very blessed, that's all i have to say.
Posted by Rou En at 12:47 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
look up the sky-- what do you see? you see a beautiful rainbow, i see dark clouds
GOODBYE PEOPLE. I WILL BE GONE FOR GOOD. you won't see me for a long, long time. (you think i'm transferring to another school?)
dear blog,
i'm leaving. heard that? i'm leaving. no, i'm not going on vacation. i'm leaving alone, without my family-- to a place where no one knows or understands me. Don't freak, i wont be away for long. i don't have the heart to leave everything behind.
i will be leaving---- my mom bought the plane ticket months ago. boy, this is going to be a lonely flight. a flight i dread for months.
i will be leaving--- perhaps, to have a little taste of boarding school--perhaps to realise the reason of my existence? this is lame.
it's a good thing i learnt how to complete some basic house chores. i have to be independent. this is just another small, tiny step of my life. this would be nothing compared to ns, something i have feared and dreaded all along.
i sacrifice my holidays, entertainments and so on for this. sigh. this is saaaaaaaaaaad. No more playing for me. Bye people, have fun while i'm GONE!!!
Posted by Rou En at 3:36 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
is 2012 the end?
i'm very annoyed by the fact that the world is going to die in 2012.
just because of the Mayan calender? Come on!!! you think those Mayans can keep on writing their calender forever? No!
whether they like it or not, they HAVE to stop writing their calender on a date...(look at the bright side---they ran out of ink or whatever.) Besides, we humans have no right to decide when the world will end. We have caused so much pollution, forgetting the fact that our fate lies in Mother Nature.
I believe the world is going to end one day (as prophesied in the bible) but this matter is in God's hands. This is the reason why i don't want to watch 2012. I'm annoyed with the director, whoever he or she is. About water here and there and everything. In the bible, God faithfully promised Noah that He'll not send another flood.
Genesis 9:11
And I establish My covenant with you, that never again will all flesh be cut off by the waters of flood, and never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.
Posted by Rou En at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
dear diary
Dear diary, I passed by my neighbor's house yesterday and I saw this huge mouse trap. Finally, they stopped blaming the baby on the missing food. Today, i see something in the mouse trap. (hurray! ) To my surprise, the thing inside isn't a mouse. It is a CAT.
Dear diary, there's something wrong with microsoft. Pity that Bill Gates is a high school drop out. If he finished schooling, i bet he could have created Windows Vista (that does not hang) right away.
Dear diary, I saw them making out. don't get me wrong, I wasn't the peeping tom. They were at the front gate! The male was on top of the female. They were........they were....ordinary house flies.
Dear diary, i wanted to post a love story i read in a book on my blog, but it disappeared, leaving me so frustrated. I can't say that it's a modern version of Romeo and Juliet, but if Juliet leaves Romeo for Paris, then I can say that it's more like it.
Dear diary, my mom was using the Macbook to surf the net and she thought she was using Internet explorer running on Windows Vista.
Dear diary, i feel so sad because humans are contributing to GLOBAL WARMING every SECOND. Don't deny- don't deny!!! You're exhaling carbon dioxide now! Hah!
Dear diary, my ipod officially died today. I can still remember a few years ago when it experienced menopause-- well, "menopause"-- means that when it starts to PMS (not exactly PMS, but i call it so because of it's brittle temper) and everything. can't blame it though.
It's stopped working, and i knew that it's time is up. Rest In Peace, my ipod. Farewell! (though i'm uncertain whether there's such thing as ipod Heaven, but as long as you don't go to hell, i'm okay with it. Wherever you're going, good luck!)
Posted by Rou En at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
now we all know why edward cullen fell for bella swan---BELLA USES CHANEL. THE IRRESISTIBLE CHANEL PERFUME.
i always knew, someone like bella needs some dirty tactics.
So, imagine if ALL THE GIRLS in the school uses chanel? oh, that would be so saaaaaad for edward cullen. He'll crack, Jasper will scream, Rosalie will be cursing around, Emmett will be trashing the BMW, and Alice will be running around like a mad cow.
and it'll be even more sad for isabella marie swan. seems like she has got loads for competition...
okay, okay, i've said too much. i can smell your hatred. after all, it's just another parody of twilight.
p.s. i'm still waiting for more replies regarding my previous post. no replies? i'm going alone!
Posted by Rou En at 4:29 AM 0 comments
wanna test your stamina?
to the one reading this now
i heard that many are interested in parkour and stuff like that to test your agility and stamina after PmR.
what's new? i have heard of this skytrex-adventure thing, and it's a place in Taman Pertanian, Shah Alam where you can have fun- "the parkour fun". according to the website, there're many "challenges"--
like flying on the “Sky-crawl“. there's an activity that will take the participants from tree to tree via series of aerial obstacles suspended at 3 meters to 22 meters in the air.
......and more stuff like that which kicks your adrenaline active.
EXHILARATING, i would say. Don't tell me this sounds like another game for kiddies.
Those challenges there are designed to push yourself to the limit, and if you're not fit enough, you're going home with a muscle strain.
It's certainly, tough. you'll be hearing your muscles screaming. but that's what we like, isn't it?
INTERESTED? IF you are, tell me, cause i would like to organize a trip there.
click HERE for more details.
oh, by the way,
there's few types of challenges, the first one is a mild one for kids. i propose we take the Big Thrill--
This circuit consists of 23 thrilling challenges with various level of difficulty raging from
“easy“ to “very difficult“. With some of the platforms reaching the height of 17 meters, feel the adrenaline while crossing the “Crazy Zig-Zag“ and flying on the “Sky-crawl“ at the Bermuda Triangle. Hold your breath while crossing “The Earthquake“, test your ability to leap at the “Happy Hopper“ and end the adventure with the grand finale, the 100 meters “Wild Revenge“ which will take you to the finishing platform at an exhilarating speed.
Time to complete: 1.5 hours to 2 hours
Minimum height requirement: 1.4 m
Maximum weight: 100 kg
if you think that this challenge is too mild for you, we can take the Extreme Challenge.
so, what do you think?
Posted by Rou En at 3:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
laugh at me if you want, but i fell in love with........
an old song.
a very song
the song title is 情人的眼淚 (演唱:姚蘇蓉)
一颗颗眼泪都是爱 都是爱
我眼泪不会掉下来 掉下来
i seriously recommend you to listen to this song.
no offense, but songs nowadays are shit. yes, shit.
i get annoyed by songs that don't mean a thing. HOw do you write a song's lyrics in this new era?
by crapping. yes, the tunes may be catchy, but a few years later, you'll find nothing from it. modern singers don't even know half of the things they're singing.
some of them don't even know how to sing. i have listened to so many songs where the singers are just mumbling out the lyrics. practically inaudible.
Posted by Rou En at 3:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
farewell, science form 1,2 and 3
TIME PASSES SO FAST, it seems like we were sitting in the classroom, listening to Pn. Aminah babbling about science YESTERDAY.
TODAY, I had an intensive revision on science..... on MSN.
Kenneth the Great™ just sent you a nudge.
Kenneth the Great™ says:
Rou en. says:
Kenneth the Great™ says:
rou en. says:
yes and no
Kenneth the Great™ says:
i duno
Rou en. says:
Kenneth the Great™ says:
Rou en. says:
Kenneth the Great™ says:
Rou en. says:
universal indicator
Kenneth the Great™ says:
Rou en. says:
sodium hydroxide
Kenneth the Great™ says:
hydrochlric acid
Rou en. says:
Kenneth the Great™ says:
Rou en. says:
conical flask
Kenneth the Great™ says:
retort stand
Rou en. says:
oh shoot
let me have my lunch first
Kenneth the Great™ says:
hv fun~
enjoy ur shark fin soup
money queen
Rou en. says:
i did not have shark fin
Kenneth the Great™ says:
so fast?
lol whut did u eat man?
Rou en. says:
i had hydrochloric acid
Kenneth the Great™ says:
i'm eager to see ur green tongue on tues
Rou en. says:
nope. it's supposed to be YELLOW
but never mind.
i need to drink milk of magnesia
Posted by Rou En at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
small stories of my life 生活小事
number one. 风萧萧兮考试寒, 我的分数一去兮不复还
I want my marks back.
let's start with my bahasa malaysia paper.
The day before PMR started, i was doing last minute revision (as usual)
I came across this question about KERIS. I learnt that if someone takes his keris out, the term which names the action is MENGHUNUS.
As i flipped open the PMR paper... cheng cheng cheng..... MY SPIRITS FLEW UP TO THE HIGHEST HEAVEN as i read the first question. Jackpot! It's about keris!
I got happy too fast. The question was about keris, yes, BUT THAT DUDE IS KEEPING THE KERIS!!! NOT TAKING IT OUT!
My spirits dropped from the highest heaven to the lowest hell.
I get lucky sometimes, but not a 100 percent lucky.
number two
c0nfus1ng textb00k5.
I got this from the kemahiran hidup textbook.
don't believe me? check your KEMAHIRAN HIDUP FORM TWO TEXT BOOK (if you have not thrown it away) PAGE 7
number three
我爱我的国家, 但是我的国家不爱我
i love my country, but my country does not love me
oh, the joy of one sided love.
But seriously, do you think that the ONE MALAYSIA THING IS WORKING?
WELL, we seem to like it.
for example:1. we have H1N1
SEE THAT? even the ONENESS can be found in the virus. see how the ONE MALAYSIA thing is working?
2. formula ONE
The sepang race track-- Malaysians just can't stop bragging about it.
ONE UTAMA! i know, i know. your second home. our second home.
one card, one world, one, one, one....
4. We, malaysians, seem to LOVE the whole one Malaysia thing. We love it SO MUCH, we even include it in our daily communication.
for example:
hey, why so weird wan?
he very happy wan!
nobody goes to school wan!
wow, our prime minister must have been working very hard to make this one Malaysia thing a success.
Posted by Rou En at 5:53 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
the ambitious SIDE
1. fashion designer
this won't work cuz i have no idea about the latest fashion and stuff like that, and I don't like shopping. Okay, okay, i have no fashion sense. But it's weird, cuz i like designing gowns and dresses.
*BUT if i get famous, i may get to meet wu chun! oh, btw, speaking abt him, i realized that i missed his birthday. see what happens when I study too hard?
Oh no, I forgot. I hate to sew.
Fashion designer is off the list.
2. Doctor (don't smile)
It's stupid. I think I screwed my science paper, and yet I aspire to become a doctor. Maybe I 'll be a surgeon. But who wants a surgeon who scores B for science?
Doctor? off the list.
3. national athlete
Been training hard, I mean, i like running, but i don't think... okay you know what? forget it, since I'm going to the gym for another reason now (and I'm so not going to tell you what's the reason cuz you will laugh at me) whatever. The reason is really really really stupid.
national athlete off the list.
4. Something to do with MATHS
i like maths. truth is, i can't wait to learn add maths. but i don't think i would want to become an architect.
Math teacher? no way. directly off the list.
5. cook
i like to cook, but i don't know how to cook. weird huh? If i become a cook, i think my boss would fry me before i can even fry something.
Cook off the list.
maybe i'll just be myself for a while.
Posted by Rou En at 11:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
money... how funny can it be?
must- have -tips especially during global economical crisis.
1. Just because you're blind, doesn't mean your customers are blind. trust me, if they can find a hundred splinters in your eye, they can see more.
2. Be smarter than a dog.
3. don't get yourself entangled with emotional issues.
4. Lastly....Be more creative.
Posted by Rou En at 7:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
why bahasa malaysia?
Got this from another website, so if you want to sue somebody for the following contents, good luck finding the original writer of 'em
One day, Malaysia decided to send our space tourist with Russian spacecraft. The mission is to see how tasty the roti canai and teh tarik in the space ...
during the experiment, our space tourist feel the roti canai is too spicy ... he feel suffering and request his Russian counterpart to provide some water ... so he said .... "Abang, tolong bagi sikit air ... pedas, pedas" ... the Russian cannot understand and replied ... "What? What you mean" ...
our space tourist cannot stand for it and keep shouting ... "AIR, AIR, AIR" ... the Russian stood and finally he understand and replied ... "No AIR in the space, we breath using oxygen tank !" ... due to the miss communication, both of them fighting in the spacecraft and cause some damages ...
the Russian aware of the damage and quickly find the EMERGENCY button to save himself .... and now left only the Malaysian space tourist who trapped in the spacecraft ... so he tried to find is there any button labeled with "LARI" or "CABUT" or "KECEMASAN" ... unfortunately he cant find any ...
so the Malaysian space tourist call back to the command center to ask for help ... since he cant speak English so he just shouted ... "tolong, tolong, tolong" ... the American, Russian, Japan and Chinese engineers in the command center could not understand ... then the American engineer said ... "i think the Malaysian space tourist is too excited and shouting happily ... first time exploring the space is definitely an excited experience ... why dont we also shout together to show that we also happy?" ... so the engineers in the command center replied and shout loudly ... "tolong, tolong, tolong"
at the end ... no one "tolong" the Malaysian space tourist .. and due to the lack of English knowledge, he not able to operate the spacecraft ... and at the end .... he lost in space together with the multi-million dollar spacecraft ...
the story above is for people who are not in technical field, and could not understand what is the roles of English in the technical/engineering/science industries ...
The ministry of education is supporting students to make good use of ICT in order to improve their studies, and yet they decided to teach Science and Math in BM.
Who is going to help us to translate all the information from the internet? WHO???
Type "elekrik" on google. How many results can you get?
Try typing "electric" instead. How many results can you get?Posted by Rou En at 7:02 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
PIG.. .....
A Malay teacher told me:
Lucu tak? Manusia dijangkiti selesema babi! Manusia ialah manusia, babi ialah babi! Sekarang ada H1N1, semua orang susah! Pelik tak? Manusia ada selesema babi! ada selesema burung! Tak patutlah!
H1N1 caused such a major choas worldwide, yet some people are just getting too creative.
For example:
Introducing the new H1NIKEN
wEAR ON your masks, people, and HAVE A NICE DAY
Posted by Rou En at 6:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I would like to answer your questions
To, the curious people who love to pour questions on me. for non muslims only.
What is the purpose of man? Why is man on this earth today? Why must man exist?
If there is God, what does He want me to do???
Now, some stubborn people asked me,
God is so almighty: why not make it simple and just manifest to man that man may know him easily? For example, announce the Earth will stop rotating for a few minutes? He does not do so, and that's why so many people do not believe in god's existence!
Answer: The only way to understand God is for God to reveal Himself to us. It pleases God to reveal Himself to man, and the way man to know God exists. Don't believe? Look at the wondrous magnificent skies, the geography of the earth, these often causes man to sense the existence of God deep within him.
"For the invisible things of Him, both His eternal power and divine characteristic, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being perceived by the things made, so that they would be without excuse" Romans 1:20
Think how wondrous you are, who created you? Do you know that the hair in, on and out of the body grows downward, except the hair in the throat which grows upward . If the hair in the throat grows downwards, we would suffocate due to the inability to discharge phlegm. Who created us this way?
God put so many of His masterpieces into us, how can we say that God did not "manifest" to us?
The scientist who once claimed that man evolved from monkeys redrew his saying near his deathbed.
unsatisfied with my answer?
i got these frm the Mystery of Human Life, published by Living Stream Ministry:
God's Plan
God has a plan. this plan has everything to do with man. In the Bible, this plan is called God's economy. God's economy is just God's entire plan for man. It explains the origin and destiny of man as well as the meaning of human existence.
What is God's economy???
God wants to enter into man's spirit, to become his content and his satisfaction.
This is the purpose of human existence! You are not merely created to contain food in your stomach, or contain knowledge in your mind, but you are created to contain God in your Spirit.
We are vessels of God. That means that we must contain God. God wants to be our content. As bottles are made to contain water, we are made to contain God.
It is no wonder that knowledge, wealth, pleasure, and accomplishment can never satisfy you, for you were created to contain God!!
Contain God in my spirit? I have no spirit in my body, for goodness sake. I study science, okay!!
It may seem impossible to you, but I would like to tell you something. I have seen saints who called on the name of the Lord continuously for 30 minutes. Some even cried. Without such a spirit, it is impossible for man to have such response by just repeating 3 words over and over again.
They had opened their spirit to contact God.
Posted by Rou En at 11:17 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
I love this picture. It's so sweet.
School's starting in a few days. PMR is also coming (oh noes).
I did something stupid today. I put marshmallows in the fridge!!! How silly. When I wanted to eat them with melted chocolate (yum yum), they were like rocks. I have been eating so much sweet stuff, and the word "diabetes" is starting to scare me. Really, somebody have to put a lock at the fridge.
Posted by Rou En at 5:17 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I remember, when I was in Form one (or std 6?) someone challenged me to memorize 1000 bible verses before I graduate from high school.
I totally forgot about it. But I take this challenge and I know it isn't going to be easy. One verse consists about 30 words. I heard some ppl can memorize 100 verses in 6 days. Gosh, their brain must be like sponges (I'm so jealous).
Anyways, I stayed in this private school called Sri Suria for 5 days, and I say, though the facilities there are way better than my school's, (air cond! swimming pool! tiled floors! big big basketball court!) but those ppl working in the canteen there are freakin kiam siap.
The food there, hmmm.... sometimes delicious; sometimes I can tell that it's "chinchai chinchai" prepared... AND THERE'S ALWAYS NOT ENOUGH FOOD. But at least, I was spiritually full. Hallelujah.
Oh, guess what? I cried on the last night there (not because I'm homesick).... I mean, all of us cried. What a tragic life have we.... That night I cannot sleep. I felt really disturbed. That sad sad story was seriously stuck in my head. For ten minutes, I did not dare to move. I was freaking scared! I mean, I locked the door, I was sure, but why do I still hear that sound..... Gah. Woke up sleepy eyed.
I confess, that we have been gossiping about someone. Someone I don't really like. I know we're not supposed too (cuz it's really bad), but everyone is talking. Even some guys. Some people wanted to avoid such gossip, but they were..... hinting some stuff here and there. I know, you know, everybody knows. But many just don't like talking about it. Then I would like to tell you,
so do I! You think I like it? You think I want it?
Gossiping is bad. Love your enemies, so I shall now on avoid idle talk. I shall use my time properly. So if you're talking abt it, you better stop now.
* oh, and Elim, your sisters are so cute
Posted by Rou En at 5:33 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
you may not want to read this
remind me next time-- don't ever let anyone touch my front hair
Posted by Rou En at 6:15 AM 0 comments
such reality
ANOTHER reason not to get married
Before marriage....
He: Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.
She: Do you want me to leave?
He: No! Don't even think about it.
She: Do you love me?
He: Of course! Over and over!
She: Have you ever cheated on me?
He: No! Why are you even asking?
She: Will you kiss me?
He: Every chance I get.
She: Will you hit me?
He: Are you crazy! I'm not that kind of person!
She: Can I trust you?
He: Yes.
She: Darling!
After marriage....
Simply read from bottom to top.
Posted by Rou En at 1:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This is what happens when I get bored. I do stupid things.
Today, I had nothing to do, so I took out my science notebook and colored some pictures I drew in it.
Now, my science note book is COLORFUL and I have to admit, I had some fun
I know, I'm being gay.
Because next week, I have to bid freedom goodbye. Oh noes oh noes oh noes.....
Will be unavailable for 5 days. Don't ask. Just wish me good luck.
Posted by Rou En at 6:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
warning: you may get offended by this post
New Moon's comming out. If you're planning to watch it, please tell me you're lying.
Why? Cuz I don't understand why won't so many girls are obsessively infatuated with a guy who doesn't wash his hair.
Oh, and even he himself admits that he is not suitable for the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight.
I agree. I totally agree. He's more suitable to play Charlie (Bella's dad). I don't mind that.
Or, he can play the poor old hag that got killed by Victoria.
He and Kristen (she only looks gorgeous with EXCESSIVE makeup) made me hate Twilight. Screw you Twilight movie fans (no offense).
btw, i heard there's this website called script or something like that, and it contains (apparently) all the stuff you need for kerja khusus. Can't find it though.
Posted by Rou En at 4:49 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
I didn't know, that a war can take place without Hitler.
That's what happened today ....
*post deleted due to current state of affairs. Sorry!!!!
Posted by Rou En at 4:14 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
There's no real aim in my life.
I really missed last week. Well, kindof.
So I have to suffer for SIX MONTHS. PMR's in October.
after PMR, what else? nothing.
The cycle repeats.
2009 year end holidays, then after that I will be in Form Four, anxiety returns when Sports Day is around the corner, then WHAT?
oh I almost forgot. Exams. Ha-ha.
When I'm in form five, I'll spend the whole year continuously tortured by SPM, peer pressure and more, MORE, MORE!!!
Posted by Rou En at 5:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
ONe nightMy dad, brother, little sister and I were watching desperate housewives.
(on tv) A man picks up a blue packet from the floor)
Lil sis: What's that?
Bro: ~duh~
Me : condom.....
Lil sis: (turns to me and my bro) What's a condom?
My brother and I were laughing.
Helpless, she turned to my dad.
"Dad, what's a condom?"
Dad: (embarrassed) family planning.
It's hard to prevent young minds from being corrupted. For example:
This picture is a test to determine whether you have a corrupted mind. If you see an intimate couple, and you really can't find six dolphins in six seconds, your mind is seriously corrupted.
So, why don't you stop watching love movies from now onwards and start looking at dolphins for a change?
Posted by Rou En at 2:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
save mother earth
It's earth hour tomorrow!
Yet Fahrenheit disappointed me.
They have a concert tomorrow at 8 pm! Coincidence? I don't think so. When everyone will be turning off their lights in support for earth hour, they will be singing their heads off in the stadium with zillion of lights on. (Do you think they would sing with the lights off?)
(though i still think wu chun is hot) I simply can't help but to start perceiving Fahrenheit as selfish.
They're too busy singing and seeing money pouring in their pockets to hear the earth MOURNING.
So don't be selfish, (like, *EHEM* some people) and turn your lights off at 8.30 pm tomorrow.
Though it will be dark, but the light from the kindness in your heart will shine and spread warmth to the whole world.
Posted by Rou En at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
persaingan today
though not the finals my expectations were high
or perhaps, too high?
I was shaking
then that annoying sound from the God-knows-what-horn-like-thing was heard
I tried to sing in my head- music makes people run
But my mind went blank. BLANK.
I heard people yelling
Li Qi was shouting
My lungs were bursting
I wanted to stop. I really wanted to stop.
Summoning my last ounce of strength, I ran forward...................
Posted by Rou En at 3:26 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Too complicated?
The Lone Ranger and Tonto went camping in the desert. After they got
their tent all set up, both men fell sound asleep.
Some hours later, Tonto woke the Lone Ranger and said,
'Hey, look towards sky, what you see?'
The Lone Ranger replied, 'I see millions of stars.'
'What does that tell you?' asked Tonto.
The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says,
'Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies.
Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning.
Theologically, the Lord is all powerful, and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.
What does it tell you, Tonto?'
Tonto answered:
'You dumber than buffalo shit. Someone stole the tent !'
So think simple. Simplicity is a bliss.
Keep things simple, and have a nice day!!!
Posted by Rou En at 5:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 28, 2009
wrote by : Keng Han aka Sejarah fanatic
disagreed by: Rou En
ignored by: Rou En
p/s.... Wu chun, will you please UPDATE your blog?
Posted by Rou En at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
alarm clock
heh heh sorry for not updating my blog lately...
Question-- what's wrong with my alarm clock/
Keng han seems to be the only one having problems with it....
Kenneth says:
but i put smthg in my personal message
Kenneth says:
read i
Kenneth says:
Kenneth just sent you a nudge.
(looks at his personal message)
There wrote: "Rou en's alarm is from pasar malam"
Hahaha. So I edited mine too.
"NO, my alarm clocj is from IKEA. Keng Han is from pasar malam though."
tsk tsk.
! *rou en*! says:
! *rou en*! says:
why dont u read mine too
Then he changed his personal msg again.
Rou En's 'pasar malam' brand alarm clock is a bomb which is about to explode
(wow, that was a nice simile.)
So, I changed mine too.
Kenneth says:
yea, i've gone to america
Kenneth says:
to run away from ur bomb
! *rou en*! says:
bye! Hope those victims of the global financial crisis there don't rob you....
ps. My alarm clock may be anoying, but it's definitely not pasar malam brand. Never mind if you think it is irritating. I'm not bringing it in the next comming exam. Watches are better. :-)
Posted by Rou En at 4:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Chinese New Year is BORING (well, except receiving those ang paus, maybe).
I'm starting to hate chinese new year now... And if you ask me how I spent my CNY holidays, I will answer....
Does watching TV (and sleeping) count?
boring, boring, boring. I didn't even get to play a single fire cracker!
Oh, and I don't appreciate abalone. High class leeches, remember? I don't like those expensive chinese food or whatever monk jump over the wall crap.
Supposed to go home on Thursday, but I (sort of) pretended to be sick so my dad decided to go home on Wednesday.
Anyways I just found out that my grandmother passed away because of smoking... (Whoa, I don't think I would want to smoke anymore)
Problem is, smoking seems.... fun?
So I tried to be OPTIMISTIC.
If I died because of smoking, it can be (er......) a family tradition (you know)
I mean, in every generation, there'll be someone who dies because of smoking..... You smoke, I smoke, you die, I also die. What a nice family tradition.
But conclusion is, I will not smoke for the sake of my lungs.
So don't tell me if somebody found out a way to extract nicotine from a cigarette smoke... I may change my mind.
Posted by Rou En at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Cha Siew Pau & Maggi Mee
Cha Siew Pau & Maggi Mee
One day, cha siew pau and maggi mee had a big fight. Maggi mee beat cha siew pau up until it had bruises on its pau body.
Cha Siew Pau loose the fight and went back to tell all the pau family;- Kaya pau, tau sa pau, curry pau, and etc.
So together, all the paus went to find maggi mee for revenge.
On the way... they met Spaghetti.. so all of the pau ran to Spaghetti and BEAT the hell up on Spaghetti that Spaghetti cant say a word,
Spaghetti then scream... 'what did I do? I don't even know you all'..
Then the cha siew pau say..
'HEH! MAGGI MEE! Don't think I can't recognize you after you do REBONDING!!'
ps. It's been a long time since "siew pau" was mentioned....
Posted by Rou En at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Today is only the ninth day of 2009, and I already broke a new year resolution. Gee, I think I'm even faster than Edward Cullen.
I broke the very first new year resolution (please read my previous post about it). Well, kind of. And it is VERY ANNOYING, VERY VERY ANNOYING. I mean, I didn't want to like him!!! But.... I will get over him one day. Cuz I know I have like, zero percent chance?
You wanna know who? Give you a hint--- I just linked his blog to mine today. Check it out yourself.
Posted by Rou En at 6:08 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
You know, the famous four letter word which starts which a "F" .... Your favorite word, isn't it?
Well, (apparently) this is the origin of the four letter word you use to hear....
In ancient England, people could not have sex without the consent of the King. When people wanted to have a child, they had to solicit a permission to the monarchy, in turn they would supply a sign to hang on their door when they had sexual relations.
The sign read....
Fornication Under Consent of the King
I received this from an email, and I am not sure whether this is true or not, but I'm not responsible if your mother comes yelling at me saying that I taught you something bad or whatever. Just thought you should know.
Posted by Rou En at 9:43 PM 0 comments